1) What is the past of "see"  a) said b) saw c) seen 2) What is the past of "to have" a) hed b) have did c) had 3) What is the past of "say" a) sei b) said c) sayed 4) What is the past continous of "drink" a) drank b) drenk c) was drinking  5) Who won the last Oscar of the best actor? a) Tom Cruise b) Anthony Hopkins  c) Sérgio Ramos 6) Who was the best film in 2021 Oscar's? a) Parasita b) Nomadland c) De pernas para o ar 7) What movies were the most awarded in Oscar? a) Ben-hur b) Titanic c) Harry Potter d) The lord of the rings and the return of the king 8) What was the movie with the highest grossing? a) Avengers Endgame b) Avatar c) Gone with the wind (1939) 9) What is the best soundtrack acording to Oscar 2021? a) Soul b) The silence c) Rio 10) Which of these Disney films was released first? a) Pocahontas b) Mulan c) Toy Story 11) What movie is this scene from? a) Mad Max b) Back to the future c) Blade Runner 2049 12) What was the first film to show a flush in a toilet? a) Psicose b) Casablanca c) Star Wars  13) What was the first animated film to be nominated for an Oscar for Best Picture? a) Shrek b) The beast and the beauty c) Bambi 14) Who starred as Arnold Schwarzenegger's twin in the 1998 film "Twin Brothers"? a) Danny DeVito b) Sylvester Stallone c) Vin Diesel 15) Which child from "The Fantastic Chocolate Factory" found the first Golden Ticket? a) Veruca Salt b) Violet c) Augustus Gloop


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