1) I look at you whenever you look at me; You see but I see not; no sight have I; I speak but have no voice; your voice is heard;My lips can only open uselessly. a) shadow b) shield c) sun d) mirror 2) My mother I bring forth, she brings forth me. I'm sometimes greater, sometimes less than she. a) night and day b) silence and sound c) love and hate 3) I am a black child sprung from a bright sire, a wingless bird, fleeting to heaven from earth. Each eye that meets me weeps, but not from grief, and in thin air I vanish at my birth. a) sword b) smoke c) fountain d) fire 4) What is that which has one voice and yet becomes four-footed and two-footed and three-footed? a) Frog b) Cow c) Human d) Caterpillar 5) There is one father and twelve children; of these each has twice thirty daughters of different appearance: Some are white to look at and the others black in turn; They are immortal and yet they all fade away. a)  Year, days and nights b) Earth, wind and fire c) Stone, glass and clay


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