Mass - The amount of matter in an object, Volume - The amount of space an object takes up, Relative Density - The density compared to water (sink or float), State of Matter - A form that matter takes on: solid, liquid, or gas, Boiling Point - The temperature at which a liquid changes into a gas, Melting Point - The temperature at which a solid changes into a liquid, Freezing Point - The temperature at which a liquid changes into a solid, Conductor - A material that allows energy to pass through it easily, Insulator - A material that does not allow energy to pass through easily, Magnetism - A force that can attract or repel magnetic material, Solubility - A measure of how much of a certain substance will dissolve in another substance, Physical Property - A characteristic of a substance that can be measured or observed, Mixture - A combination of two or more diferent types of matter that keep their own physical properties, Solution - A type of mixture in which one substance dissolves into another, Matter - Anything that has mass or takes up space,

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