1) ______________ is your favorite singer? a) Who b) What c) Where d) When 2) _____________ is your favorite color? a) Who b) What c) Where d) When 3) _____________ is the Supermarket? a) Who b) What c) Where d) When 4) ___________ is your birthday? a) Who b) What c) Where d) When 5) __________ is your grandfather? a) How often b) How Much c) How many d) How old 6) __________ is the Kilo of sugar? a) How often b) How Much c) How many d) How old 7) __________ students are there in your class? a) How often b) How Much c) How many d) How old 8) __________ do you go to the movies with your family? a) How often b) How Much c) How many d) How old 9) ____________ is your house? a) What color b) What kind of c) What ime 10) ____________ music do you like? a) What color b) What kind of c) What time d) How big 11) ____________ do you have classes on friday? a) What color b) What kind of c) what time d) How big 12) ____________  are you today? a) Which b) Why c) How 13) ____________  are you sad? a) Which b) Why c) How 14) ______________ color is your car, RED o BLUE? a) Which b) Why c) How 15) _______________ is your name? a) What b) Which

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