1) 1. I didn't eat ............... at the restaurant. I wasn't hungry. a) something b) anything c) everything 2) 2. We are looking for ............... to help us with our homework. a) anybody b) everybody c) somebody d) someone e) everyone 3) 3. Jack wants to watch ............... funny on TV. a) something b) everything c) anything 4) 4. There's ............... interesting on TV today so let's go to the cinema. a) something b) anything c) nothing 5) 5. Have you seen my wallet ............... ? a) nowhere b) anywhere c) everywhere 6) 6. Let's go ............... and drink some coffee. a) everywhere b) anywhere c) somewhere 7) 7. ............... stole my car. I'm very sad. a) somebody b) anybody c) everybody 8) 8. There wasn't ............... in the library because it was very early in the morning. a) nobody b) everybody c) anybody



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