simile - comparing two things using like or as / i.e. The moon is like a wheel of cheese. , onomatopoeia  - use of words whose sound suggest their meaning- like buzz or pop/ i.e. The kitten meowed. , personification - giving human qualities to an animal, object, or idea. i.e. The cloud cried. , metaphor  - comparing two things using is, are, was, or were. / i.e. The moon is a wheel of cheese. , speaker  - someone who is the voice of the poem , connotation  - an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal meaning, tone - poet's attitude toward the poem's speaker, colloquialism - use of informal words or phrases in writing or speech., repetition  - words or phrases are repeated in a literary work, theme - The message or lesson the author is trying to convey,


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