ACCORDION  - A musical instrument in the shape of a box, which you hold in your hands , PERFORM  - To act, sing, dance or play music in front of a large group of people , POP MUSIC  - A type of modern music that is very popular, especially with young people, PROMOTE  - To give publicity to something so people like, buy or use it, CHEERFUL - Behaving in a happy way , REHEARSAL  - The act of practising a play, concert, etc, before performing it, RHYTHM - A regular, repeated pattern of sounds in music , MIDNIGHT - 12 o'clock at night , TOUR  - To travel around an area performing in different places, ORCHESTRA  - A large group of musicians who play many different instruments together, usually classical music, ASTONISHED  - Very, very surprised , PALACE  - A very large building, usually where a king or queen lives, BAD TEMPER - A strong feeling of anger that someone shows a lot, POWERFUL  - Strong; having control over people, EMPEROR  - A man who rules an empire, ROPE  - A type of very thick string that you can use to tie or pull things, ESCAPE  - To get away from a place where you are in danger; to get free, SWAN - A large white bird with a long neck that lives near water , FURIOUS - Very, very angry, HURT - To cause someone pain,

CEFR-Aligned English Activity Book Year 6 : Unit 7 & Unit 8


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