10. Are you an impulsive shopper or do you shop with a list?, 12. Do you prefer to go shopping by yourself or with someone else?, 13. Do you have a favorite mall, shopping center, or market?, 14. Did you ever waste money? How?, 15. How often do you go out to restaurants?, 16. Are you a tipper? What percentage do you usually leave for good service?, 17. Can you think of some extravagant ways to spend money?, 1. How do you like to spend money? What are you happy to buy?, 2. Do you have a favorite store? Why?, 3. Did you ever buy several identical items? Why?, 4. Do you have a budget for yourself ? Does your family have a budget?, 5. How do you keep track of what you spend?, Do you keep a money diary?, 6. Do you have a favorite paper currency or bill? Why do you like it?, 7. Do you have a favorite coin? Why do you like it?, 8. Do you usually pay bills by check, by credit card, or by computer?, 9. Do you usually pay by cash, check, or credit card at stores?, 10. If you got a sudden gift of $10,000, what would you buy? Why?, 11. When did open your first bank account?, When did you get your first credit card?, What are some common reasons that people go into debt?, 15. Can you think of five good uses of credit?, 17. Do you and your relatives have similar spending habits?, 18. What would you buy if you won the lottery for $50 million? Why?, Is there something you regret buying? Why?, Did you receive pocket-money/an allowance when you were a child? Was it enough for you? What did you usually spend it on?, What would you tell someone if they asked how much you get paid?, If a young person wanted to know what career they should pursue to make as much money as possible, what would you recommend they do?, Do you and your friends lend money to each other? How much are you willing to lend or borrow?, When you are walking around a big city, where on your body is a safe place to keep money? Is it safe in a handbag?, What would you do if you found a brown paper bag with one thousand dollars in it on the street?, Imagine you have won a million dollars. Who will you tell? What will you do with the money?.

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