1) Renewable energy is very important. a) It is the power we get from the sun, wind and sea. b) They help to give animals and insects in danger of extinction a safe place to live.  2) Humans are using all the planet's fossil fuels quickly. a) We get it from the sun and it is very easy to use. b) It took millions of years for oil, coal and gas to form and we are using them up too fast. 3) Many people think climate change is a big problem. a) The temperature of the earth and sea has gone up by about 1C in the last 100 years. b) If we don't protect them, they will become extinct. 4) Conservation areas are very important. a) They help to give animal and insects in danger of extinction a safe place to live. b) Most of our electricity is still produced in them. 5) An animal's natural habitat is the place where it lives. a) It is the power we get from sun, wind and sea. b) It's important that we don't destroy the land they live on. 6) Many animals are on the list of endangered species. a) If we don't protect them, they will become extinct. b) So we have to continue to hunt them. 7) Solar power is available everywhere. a) We get it from the sun and it is very easy to use. b) We get from wind turbine and it a cheap source of energy. 8) Power stations are often huge. a) Most of our electricity is still produced in them. b) It's important that we don't destroy the land we live on.

Vocabulary Part 3 (Form 3 Unit 3 - English Close-Up)


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