In the future, a computer might be President. Would this be a good or a bad thing?, Would it be possible to have a world without money?, What would happen to the world if everybody could live forever?, If you could turn into an animal, which animal would you choose?, If you could travel in space, would you try it?, What was the biggest global news story of this year?, How do you know whether to believe a news story on social media?, Do you think the world will ever be at peace?, What technology would you like to see in the future?, What would you like to change about the world?, If days were 30 hours instead of 24, what would you do with the extra time?, What is usually eaten for breakfast in your country?, Are teenagers given too much freedom these days? Do they need to be controlled?, What is usually consumed at parties in your city?, What condition is your home in? When was it built? What would you like to change?.


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