David’s parents ____ to move to a new house. But David didn’t want to live in another town and he ____ sad about leaving all his friends. Last Tuesday, David’s family drove to their new house. David was unhappy. He just sat quietly and looked out of the window. When they arrived at the house, David’s dad gave him a ____ . ‘Go and open the front door with this, David,’ he said. ‘Mum and I will bring in some of the boxes.’ David went inside. The house was much ____ than their old one and from a window upstairs he could see some boys in a park. He could see a forest too and a ____ across a river. ‘I can play football in that park and go for great walks in that forest, and perhaps I can fish in that river,’ he thought. There was no park, forest or river near his old house. David began to smile. ‘I’m ____ I’m going to be happy here!’

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