1) Look at the car! It... a) will crash b) going to crash c) is going to crash 2) I am sure I ... my room later, mum. a) will tidy b) going to tidy c) 'm going to tidy d) won't tidy 3) He thinks he ... the race. a) is going to win b) will win c) be going to win 4) We ... our room next week. I bought everything. a) are going to paint b) will paint c) aren't going to paint d) won't paint 5) It's so cold. It ... tonight. a) will snow b) is going to snow c) won't snow 6) -I can't lift that bookcase. -Wait. I ... you a) will help b) 'm going to help c) won't help 7) My friends and I ... the new film this weekend. a) will see b) are going to see c) am going to see 8) I don't think you ... this film. It's boring. a) is going to like b) are going to like c) will like 9) That girl looks sad. She ... a) is going to cry b) will cry c) won't cry 10) If you are late again I ... you. a) won't fire b) will fire c) 'm going to fire

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