commercial - an advert on TV or radio, slogan - a short phrase that is easy to remember, promote - to help to sell something, especially through advertising, jingle - a short and easy to remember phrase accompanied by music, misleading - giving the wrong idea or impression, target customer - the type of person that a company wants to sell their products to, celebrity endorsement - famous people saying publicly that they support a specific product, billboard - a large sign for advertisements outdoors, typically next to a road or on the side of a building, flyer - a small leaflet typically used for advertising, brand loyalty - the tendency of some consumers to continue buying a specific product in spite of the existence of competing ones, junk mail - unwanted advertising received through the post, cold calling - A marketing technique that has sales people turning up at your door or phoning you unannounced to publicise their product., product placement - a marketing technique that has references to a specific brand incorporated into another work, such as a film or TV programme., brand awareness - the extent to which consumers are familiar with the quality or symbols of a specific product, sponsorship - financial support that a company gives in order to get publicity, logo - a special design that a company puts in all its products,

B2.2 Advertising Vocabulary


Visual style


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