1) What is the shape of DNA? a) Single helix b) Double helix c) Triple helix d) Quadruple helix 2) Which of the following is NOT correct about a gene? a) A section of DNA b) A blueprint for building proteins c) Made up of nucleotides d) Membrane surrounding DNA 3) What are the four nucleotides that make up DNA? a) Adenine, Guanine, Uracil, Thymine b) Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, Geraldine c) Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, Cytosine d) Adenine, Geraldine, Uracil, Thymine 4) The term for a change in the DNA sequence? a) Mutation b) Tumour c) Disease d) Metamorphic 5) What is the complementary bases which match the following sequence: AAT CGC TGA a) TTA CGG ACT b) AAT CGC TGA c) TTA GCG ACT d) AAT GCG ACT 6) All vertebrate embryos, from humans to chickens to fish, have a tail during early development, even if that tail does not appear in the fully developed organism. This piece of evidence is an example of: a) Vestigial features b) Analogous structures c) Biochemistry d) Homologous Structures e) Comparative Embryology 7) Which option best explains how the fossil record provides evidence of evolution? a) Shows that organisms have changed over time b) Proves that all living organisms evolved c) Explains how all extinct organisms are identical  d) Provides samples of every organism that ever lived 8) Mitosis allows for the __________________ of the organism and for the _________ of damaged _________. a) Tissue, repair, growth b) Repair, growth, tissue c) Growth, repair tissue 9) If the original cell undergoing mitosis has 46 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will each daughter cell will have? a) 23 b) 46 c) 92 d) 0 10) The best description for Natural Selection is where: a) The species with more suitable traits survive to produce offspring b) Species of animals with less suitable traits survive to reproduce c) A whole new species is formed d) Traits of the parents are passed down to the offspring 11) A type of insect has populations that are either yellow or green living in a rain forest canopy. You would expect that over time:   a) The green population to decrease, the yellow population to increase b) Both populations stay the same c) Yellow population decreases, the green population increases d) Both populations increase 12) The Theory of Evolution is best described as: a) An animal developing a feature as they grow b) The change in a species or population over time c) Birds have different beaks suitable for their diet 13) A type of male fish which has sharp, spikey fins is most likely a result of: a) Natural selection b) Sexual selection and male-male competition c) It is sexual selection and female choice 14) Sperm is produced in what part of the male reproductive system? a) The penis b) Vas deferens c) Urethra d) Testes 15) What does "IVF" stand for? a) In Vitro Fallacy b) Into Vitrous Fertilisation c) In Vitro Fertilisation d) Into Vitro Fallacy 16) From a single parent cell undergoing Meiosis, how many daughter cells are made? a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8 17) Which of the following statements is TRUE about Meiosis a) Produces genetically identical daughter cells b) Only needs a single parent cell c) Only occurs in body cells d) Produces genetically unique daughter cells

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