1) My mum is strict with me. .................. , my dad lets me do what I like. a) Although b) However c) Despite 2) ............... I always tell my parents where I’m going, they still worry about me. a) Although b) In spite of c) However 3) ............ being best friends, we still have arguments. a) In spite of b) Although c) However 4) .............. having a good relationship with my sister, I get annoyed with her sometimes. a) Despite b) In spite c) Although 5) I love rock music. ................, some classical music is quite nice too. a) On the other hand b) Although c) In spite of 6) .................... I’m quite shy, I have a lot of friends. a) Despite b) In spite of c) Although 7) ............... working hard, I didn’t do well in my exams. a) In spite of b) Although c) However 8) ............ his age, my grandfather goes running every day. a) Despite b) Although c) However


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