crowded - There are a lot of people in the city. = The city is ________ ., green spaces - The city has a lot of parks. = There are a lot of ________ in the city, polluted - The air isn’t very clean. = The air is ________ ., crime - There is a lot of theft and violence in the city centre. = The city centre has a lot of ________ ., clean and safe - Where I live isn’t dangerous or dirty. = My neighbourhood is ________ ., friendly and polite - Everyone is nice and kind. = The people are ________ ., public transport system - The buses and trains are not very reliable. = The ________ is quite poor., nightlife - I really enjoy the pubs and clubs. = The ________ is great. , traffic - There are too many cars. = There is too much ________ ., buildings - The houses and churches are beautiful. = The ________ are very attractive.,

PI 10.1 Describing a city. Vocabulary drill.



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