The land use characteristics of Central Firstly, Central is the ____ of Hong Kong. Many banks, multinational corporations and financial institutions set up their ____ or offices there because it is a symbol of ____. Five-star hotels and shops selling high-class goods are found. ____ such as lawyers and doctors also set up offices in this district to provide services. ____ land use is the major type of land use in Cnetral. Secondly, Central is the ____ centre of Hong Kong. Many government departments are located in this district, such as the Court of Final Appeal and consulate offices of many countries. ____ land use is also the major type of land use in Central therefore. Thirdly, in the day time, there are high flow of people and traffic. Thus, ____ is common in CBD. Fourthly, the CBD is the ____ of Hong Kong. There are different types of transport that connect it with other parts of Hong Kong and mainland China. The ____ of the CBD is high. Last but not least, ____ of the CBD is the highest due to strong competition.

Topic 7(U3) Characteristics of Central Business District



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