1) It's the king of the jungle. a) b) c) 2) It lives in the jungle. It can climb and jump from tree to tree. a) b) c) 3) It is very tall. It has brown spots and a long neck. a) b) c) 4) It's like a horse. It's white with black stripes. a) b) c) 5) It's long and thin. It doesn't have legs. It can crawl very fast. a) b) c) 6) It's big, heavy, and strong. Some of them have horns. a) b) c) 7) It's heavy and big. It lives in the rivers and eats grass. a) b) c) 8) It's a big bird. It can fly. It's a scavenger. a) b) c) 9) They are long and they live in the rivers. They have a big mouth and sharp teeth. a) b) c) 10) They are big and heavy. They have big ears, a long trunk, and two tusks. a) b) c)



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