1) The growth of a seed into seedling is called  a) Seed coat b) Cotyledon c) Germination d) embryo 2) Potatoes have small buds on it called a) roots b) stem c) nodes or eyes d) bulb 3) Plants that can grow from stem cutting a) Coconut b) Apple c) Brinjal d) Rose 4) The part helps in vegetative propagation in ginger is called a) bulb b) rhizome c) tuber d) stem 5) The seed starts growing when it gets a) warmth b) air c) water d) all of these 6) Which part of the flower contain pollen grains? a) filament b) pedicel c) anther d) pistil 7) Which one of the following does not belong to female reproductive part? a) stigma b) filament c) style d) ovary 8) Identify the part of flower shown in picture. a) petal b) sepal c) receptacle d) pedicel 9) Where does a seed form in a flowering plant? a) stamen b) petal c) ovary d) anther 10) What type of reproduction occurs when a radish is placed in water and begins to grow it's roots and leaves? a) germinating reproduction b) vegetative propagation c) reproduction through seeds d) none of the above

Reproduction in Plants


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