underlined, bold, italicised, or highlighted words. - Used tto draw attention to specific information in the text. Sends the reader a signal to take notice or remember., Headings and subheadings - Usually found at the top of pages or paragraphs and appear in larger, coloured or bold font. Used to sum up the topic or paragraph in a one or two-word phrase., Font (size, style and colour)) - Words are shown differently to highlight important or key information. This also adds variety and interest to the page., Diagrams, charts, graphs, tables and maps - Visuals that help to explain or demonstrate the author's ideas., Sidebar, text box or call out - Boxed information on the side of a page. Often has a border or coloured background. Can include additional text or images., Pictures or illustrations - Provide support for the written text and adds visual appeal to the page., Bulleted or numbered lists - Draws attention to the main points that the author wants you to notice or remember., Timeline - A sequence of related events arrenged in chronological (time) order. Usually displayed along a line.,


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