1) (Easy) Central Nervous System (CNS) refers to the ________ a) Autonomic and Peripheral Nervous System b) Brain, spinal cord and cranial nerves c) Brain and spinal cord d) Brain and cranial nerves 2) (Easy) The cardiac centre in the ________ influences the heart rate a) Pons b) Medulla oblongata c) Cerebellum d) Hypothalamus 3) (Easy) Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) is located in which region? a) Subarachnoid space b) Falx cerebri c) Meningeal layer d) Periosteal layer 4) (Easy) The midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata are housed in the ________ a) Diencephalon b) Hypothalamus c) Brain stem d) Cerebellum 5) (Easy) The ______ separates the cerebrum into right and left halves a) Longitudinal fissure b) Transverse fissure c) Parieto-occipital sulcus d) Central sulcus 6) (Easy) The structure labelled X is called the __________ a) Lateral gray horn b) Central canal c) Posterior white column d) Anterior gray horn 7) (Easy) The corpus callosum is an example of a commissural tract a) True b) False 8) (Moderate) Which of these cells are not a type neuroglia found in the CNS? a) Astrocytes b) Oligodendrocytes c) Ependymal cell d) Schwann cell 9) (Moderate) Functions of the blood-brain barrier is to supplies _______ while preventing hazardous chemicals from reaching the brain a) Blood b) Oxygen c) Nutrients d) Glucose 10) (Moderate) The primary purpose of the spinal cord is to transmit ________ between the brain and the rest of the body a) Electrical signal b) Nutrients c) Impulses d) Blood 11) (Moderate) Which of the following is not a function of the thalamus? a) Helping maintain consciousness b) Playing a role in emotions and memory c) Regulating body temperature d) Relaying sensory impulses to the cerebral cortex 12) (Moderate) The epidural spaces is located between the wall of the vertebral canal and the pia mater a) True b) False 13) (Moderate) Which of the following structures is a part of the Rhombencephalon? a) Temporal lobe b) Thalamus c) Substantia nigra d) Medulla 14) (Moderate) The spinal cord is protected by the vertebral column, the meninges, cerebrospinal fluid and denticulate ligaments a) True b) False 15) (Hard) A neuron with a cell body located in the CNS whose primary function is connecting other neurons is called a __________ a) Efferent neuron b) Afferent neuron c) Interneuron d) Glial cell 16) (Hard) A 55-year old woman is diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and reports symptoms of general weakness, muscle atrophy, and muscle twitching. What type of nervous system dysfunction is she likely experiencing? a) Upper motor neuron dysfunction b) Lower motor neuron dysfunction c) Axon degeneration d) Demyelination 17) (Hard) Which of the following accurately describes the direction of impulse moving through a neuron that carries information to the CNS from the peripheral nervous system? a) An afferent neuron, impulse moving distally b) An efferent neuron, impulse moving proximally c) An efferent neuron, impulse moving distally d) An afferent neuron, impulse moving proximally 18) (Hard) The limbic system includes all the following neuro autonomic substrates EXCEPT a) Amygdala b) Nucleus accumbens c) Striatum d) Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) 19) (Hard) In the CNS, clusters gray matter containing cell bodies are called _______ a) Ganglia b) Peduncles c) Nuclei d) Tracts 20) (Hard) The development of brain and nervous system begins relatively late in the embryonic period a) True b) False



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