1) (Pepsin) is the enzyme that is present in saliva. Correct the word in brackets. a) Trypsin b) Ptyaline c) Maltase d) Lipase 2) The soft and slimy substance formed in the stomach is called as __________. a) Chyme b) Bolus c) Both d) None 3) Identify the movement in the given picture. a) Linear movement b) Irregular movement c) Peristaltic movement d) Circular movement 4) I am the longest part of the alimentary canal in human digestive system where the digestion process completes. Who am I? a) Small intestine b) Large intestine c) Stomach d) Oesophagus 5) Saliva : Amylase : : Gastric juice : _______________. a) Trypsin b) Pepsin c) Lipase d) All 6) I am one of the digestive juices. I do not contain any enzymes. But i assist the process of digestion. Who am I? a) Pancreatic juice b) Intestinal juice c) Gastric juice d) Bile juice 7) Conversion of fat molecules into small globule like structures with effect of bile juice is known as ___________ a) Emulsification b) Mastication c) Acidification d) Crystalization 8) The carbohydrates are converted into small sugars with the action of __________ in mouth. a) Amylase b) Ptyalin c) Both d) None 9) Bile juice : Bicarbonates : : Gastric juice : __________ a) HCl b) NaCl c) KOH d) NaOH 10) The enzyme that converts the proteins into peptones in the stomach is ___________ a) Lipase b) Amylase c) Trypsin d) Pepsin 11) I am the enzyme present in pancreatic juice and I convert proteins and peptones. Who am I? a) Lipase b) Amylase c) Trypsin d) Pepsin 12) Pepsin : Proteins : : Lipase : ___________. a) Lipids b) Carbohydrates c) Sugars d) Peptones 13) The digestive juice secreted by small intestine is ____________. a) Pancreatic juice b) Intestinal juice c) Gastric juice d) Saliva 14) Choose the fat soluble vitamins. A: (A, B, C), B: (A, D, E, K) a) A b) B c) Both d) None 15) Pernicious anaemia is caused due to the deficiency of ________. a) Vit B1 b) Vit B2 c) Vit B12 d) Vit B6 16) Vitamin B1 : Beri beri : : Vitamin B2 : ___________ a) Pellagra b) Scurvy c) Anaemia d) Glossitis 17) Vitamin B6 : Anaemia : : Vitamin C : ______________ a) Rickets b) Beriberi c) Pellagra d) Scurvy 18) Vitamin D : Sunlight : : Vitamin B12 : ___________. a) Bacteria b) Virus c) Both d) None 19) 19. Vitamin D : Rickets : : Vitamin K : a) Delay in blood clotting b) Over bleeding c) Both d) None 20) 20. Tocopherol : Vit K : : Retinol : ___________ a) Vit B2 b) Vit A c) Vit C d) Vit D



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