1) PROPHET MUHAMMAD'S UNCLE a) ABU THALIB b) ABU BAKR c) ABDUL MUTHALIB d) ABDUL UZZA 2) Prophet Muhammad aged when he got married? a) 20 years old b) 30 years old c) 25 years old d) 40 years old 3) What is the original name of Madinah? a) Maghribi b) Yathrib c) Yemen d) Syria 4) Prophet Muhammad (S) was accompanied by ________________ during Hijrah to Madinah. a) Ali bin Abi Thalib b) Abu Bakr as Siddiq c) Umar al Khattab d) Bilal ibn Rabah 5) During Hijrah, before Rasulullah (s) arrived at Madinah, he hides in the __________ . a) Cave of Hira' b) Cave of as Tsur c) Cave of al Kahfi 6) During Hijrah, Prophet Muhammad (S) stopped at ____________ and built the first masjid there before continued his journey to Madinah. a) Yemen b) Baghdad c) Quba d) Badr 7) After Prophet Muhammad (S) arrived at Madinah, he worked together with his companions to build amasjid known as __________, which became a place for Muslim to gather. a) Masjil al- Nabawi b) Masjil al- Aqsa c) Masjid al Haram 8) The meaning of Ansar is? a) The Helpers b) The Guidance c) The Best 9) 1. The Kuffar of Makkah planned well for a war with the Muslims. They managed to get the support from the non-Muslims and ________________ of Madinah to fight the Muslims. a) Munafiqun b) Musafir c) Muakhah d) Mukminun 10) The first battle between the Muslims and the Kuffar happened on the ____________ year of Hijrah. a) first b) second c) third d) fifth 11) In the Battle of Badr, there were only _____________ Muslims soldiers . a) three hundreds thirteen b) three thounsands c) thirteen 12) In the Battle of Badr, Allah sent _____________ to help the Muslims army won the battle. a) wind b) Angels c) birds d) Storm 13) 5. After their defeat at the Battle of Badr , the Kuffar were very angry and planned for another war which is the _____________. a) Battle of Hunain b) Battle of Uhud c) Battle of Khandaq 14) Rasulullah (S) and his companions dig a deep ditch around Madinah during the Battle of Khandaq. This was the idea of __________________. a) Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari (RA) b) Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (RA) c) Salman Al Farisi d) Abdul Rahman bin Awf 15) The Peace Agreement between Muslims Madinah and the Kuffar of Makkah was known as the ______________________. a) Peace Treaty of Hudaibiyyah b) Peace Treaty of Makkah c) Madinah constitution 16) This Sahabah was known as the richest sahabah and he was very generous to others. a) Abu Bakr b) Umar al Khattab c) Abdul Rahman bin Awf d) Uthman ibn Affan 17) He was the cousin and also the son in law to Prophet Muhammad (S) a) Ali Ibn Abi Thalib b) Uthman Ibn Affan c) Umar al Khattab



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