1) Which physical trait below best describes Molly Lou Melon? a) huge b) buck teeth c) long pants 2) Which words describe how Molly Lou Melon's voice sounded? a) like a bullfrog b) like a princess c) like a cat 3) Which physical trait below best describes Molly Lou Melon? a) blue eyes b) short c) all of the above 4) Molly Lou Melon didn't mind that she had buck teeth. Which character trait best describes Molly Lou Melon? a) confident b) lazy c) shy 5) What character trait best describes Molly Lou Melon, when she often drops things onto the ground? a) careful b) polite c) clumsy 6) Molly Lou Melon ran and caught the football. Which character trait best describes Molly Lou Melon? a) energetic b) lazy c) kind 7) Molly Lou Melon made a beautiful snowflake out of paper. Which character trait best describes Molly Lou Melon? a) messy b) creative c) thoughtful

Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon- Character Traits


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