1) Could you give me ____ sugar? a) any b) some c) much 2) Yes, in the house there area lot of strawberries a) b) c) 3) Do you have ____ eggs? a) - b) a lot of c) any 4) He does not have ____ money. a) not b) any c) a lot of 5) Used to offer or to ask for something a) some b) any c) question 6) Used for countable and uncountable nouns a) a lot of b) some, any c) some, any, lots of 7) Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct: a) There aren't some flowers in the garden. b) There aren't any flowers in the garden. c) There isn't any flowers in the garden. 8) Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct: a) There are a lot of women in the class. b) There are much women in the class. c) There are lots of womans in the class. 9) Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct: a) Can I have any milk? b) Can I have some milks? c) Can I have some milk? 10) Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct: a) Can you put some sugars in my tea b) Can you put some sugar in my tea? c) Can you put any sugar in my tea? 11) Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct: a) There are a lot of children in the park b) There are any children in the park c) There is a lot of children in the park

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