1) There isn't _____ sugar in my diet. a) much b) many c) a few 2) How _____ grams of saturated fat are there in this? a) many b) much c) any 3) I eat _____ fruit and vegetables. a) a lot of b) much c) many 4) More than 20g of fat per 100g is _____. a) lots b) a lot c) a lot of 5) He went for a walk to burn _____ calories. a) a little b) a few c) any 6) I often add _____ sugar to yoghurt. a) a few b) a little c) much 7) _____ people know where saturated fat comes from in their diet. a) Very little b) Very few c) Very much 8) There is _____ information on food labels. a) very few b) very little c) any 9) Most people eat _____ salt. a) too much b) too many c) a lots 10) I think there are _____ additives in food. a) too much b) too many c) lots 11) Fizzy drinks are _____ sugary for me. a) too b) not enough c) some 12) Consumers don't have _____ nutritional information. a) too much b) enough c) a little

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