1) What's the weather like? Jaka jest pogoda? a) It's windy. b) It's snowy. c) It's sunny. 2) What's the weather like? a) It's hot. b) It's rainy. c) It's snowy. 3) What's the weather like? a) It's stormy. b) It's sunny. c) It's snowy. 4) What's the weather like? a) It's hot. b) It's rainy. c) It's foggy. 5) What's the weather like? a) It's hot. b) It's cold. c) It's windy. 6) What's the weather like? a) it's cool b) it's freezing cold c) it's warm 7) It's... a) chilly b) scorching c) cloudy 8) What's the weather like? a) it's warm b) it's cool c) it's scorching hot 9) What is it? a) a star b) a snowflake c) snow 10) It's... a) stormy b) windy c) warm 11) What's the weather like? a) It's cloudy b) It's clear c) It's cool


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