1) I always surf the Internet ... going to bed. a) after b) during c) before d) until 2) I usually get up ... 10 a.m. a) after b) before c) until d) from ... to... 3) I usually have lessons ... 8 a.m. ... 3 p.m. a) until b) after c) during d) from ... to... 4) I use my smartphones very often ..... the day. a) during b) before c) after d) until 5) I have to arrive at school .... 8 a.m. a) after b) until c) from ... to... 6) We hardly ever study ... summer holidays. a) before b) until c) during d) after 7) My dad always watch football ... 9p.m. ... 11 p.m. a) during b) from... to... c) after d) until 8) The quarantine in Ukraine is ... May 22. a) after b) during c) from... to... d) until

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