nutrition - The study of food and how it works in your body. It includes carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins and minerals, carbohydrate - The main source of energy for our bodies (rice, potatoes, pasta and bread), fats - Stored for energy and creates a layer of fat to keep us warm (chocolate, sweets, butter, oil, cream), protein - Repairs and builds muscles and organs (fish, meat, eggs and cheese), vitamins & minerals - These help us to grow, form bone and muscle and prevent infection (fruit and vegetables), skeleton - It’s a strong structure made of bone which supports us so we can stand, protects internal organs from damage and allows movement., vertebrate - Is an animal with an internal backbone, invertebrate - Is an animal without an internal backbone, endoskeleton - An internal support made of bone that gives the body shape and allows it to move, exoskeleton - A hard covering that supports and protects the bodies of some types of animals. The word exoskeleton means “outside skeleton.” Many invertebrates, or animals without backbones, have exoskeletons., muscle - An organ of the body which allows for the body to move as they are attached to the skeleton, contract - When muscles tense, relax - When muscles are less tense and return to normal size,

Year 3 Animals Including Humans - Key Vocabulary


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