1) Where is the SUN Temple located? a) konark b) Bhubaneswar c) puri d) Cuttack 2) Who build SUN Temple a) Qutab-ud-din Aibak b) Edwin Lutyens c) Bishu Maharana d) Ustad Ahmad Lahouri 3) Its ____wheels are decorated with symbolic designs a) 24 b) 27 c) 15 d) 26 4) It is led by a team of ___horses a) 4 b) 7 c) 6 d) 9 5) It is made of which Architecture a) Reflex Architects. b) Sleek Architects. c) Pangaea Group. d) Kalinga Architecture 6) It is a ___century CE Sun temple at Konark a) 14-th b) 13 -th c) 12-th d) 15-th 7) when you entered the main temple, you'd see a tall idol a) in top air b) in mid air c) in down air 8) The structure has been built using black granite and it took _______ to complete its architecture a) 13 years b) 17 years c) 12 years d) 10 years 9) Sun temple at Konark about______ kilometres northeast from Puri on the coastline of Odisha, India. a) 46 b) 35 c) 27 d) 42

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