a l w a y s  , h a r d l y e v e r, n e v e r, o f t e n, s o m e t i m e s, u s u a l l y, My dad never watches soap operas., I usually watch TV at the weekend., My mum always turns off the TV at night., We are never late for school, My sister often uses the TV to help with her homework., Interesting programmes are sometimes on TV very late., I am often tired on Monday mornings., My mum always watches the news at ten o'clock., My favourite soap opera is sometimes on TV on Mondays., Our teacher often goes to the cinema., My friends never buy films on DVD., I hardly ever stay up late watching TV.,

Motivate 2 - Unit 01 - Adverbs of Frequency (WB p9 exs 01 to 03)


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