The cardinality of natural numbers - ALEPH NAUGHT, The number of different elements or members of a set - CARDINALITY, A set which has a one to one correspondence to the set of natural numbers - COUNTABLE SET, The value that the dependent variable of a function approaches as the independent variable gets closer to a selected quantity - LIMIT OF A FUNCTION, A single point at which a function has no value - HOLE, Some quantity that is explicitly nonzero and yet smaller in absolute value than any real quantity - INFINITESIMAL, A functional discontinuity, where the value of the function leaps from one piece of the graph to the other - JUMP, From Greek roots meaning "not meet": it is a line the graph of a function gets closer and closer to but never touches - ASYMPTOTE, A never-ending process that at any point along the way is finite - POTENTIAL INFINITY, A completed totality of infinite elements - ACTUAL INFINITY, An expression involving two functions whose limit requires solving techniques other than the limit laws - INDETERMINATE FORM, An expression involving two functions whose limit is obtained applying the limit laws - DETERMINATE FORM,


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