1) What should students do when they come into the classroom each morning? 2) How many sharpened pencils should students have ready to use? 3) Discuss a bathroom routine. 4) Why should we wash our hands after using the bathroom? 5) When is it a good idea to wear a mask to school? 6) Ask your teacher to explain our fire drill procedure. 7) What exit door does this class use in a fire drill? 8) Where do we go for a lockdown in this classroom? 9) Explain and show how students should walk in hallways in school. 10) Explain the "Get it and Go Tissue Policy" in this class. 11) Explain the importance of returning borrowed books back to the correct bins? 12) Why should students bring their chromebooks to school each day? 13) Why should chromebooks be charged each night? 14) Where will completed homework papers usually go?  15) Without interrupting a teacher or other students, what does a student do if they completed an assignment in class? 16) Why should students try to remember to write out homework assignments in a planner or on a planner sheet? 17) Where do students put their bookbags and coats each morning? 18) Explain the end of the day routine for dismissal. 19) Should we get out of our seats to sharpen pencils or use bathrooms WHILE our teachers are teaching? Explain. 20) When should students work and complete morning work? 21) What people are able to help students with questions about their school work or class procedures? 22) Explain what our class would like if it was the best day ever. 23) Is there a snack time? 24) Why should students keep their desks organized? 25) Where might a student find their daily class schedule instead of asking the teachers?


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