1) It's _______ bear. a) his b) my c) her 2) It's ______ ball! >:( a) my b) their c) her 3) It's ________ bike. a) her b) his c) our 4) This is _______ cat. a) our b) my c) your 5) Here is _______ gift! :) a) her b) their c) your 6) They share _______ bananas. a) your b) their c) my 7) _______  name is Pixel. a) Their b) Its c) Our 8) ______ pencil is much too big. a) His b) Their c) Her 9) He is reading ______ book. a) Our b) His c) Her 10) _____ family is big! a) Our b) Your c) His 11) They are sharing _______ stick. a) your b) my c) their 12) It's ______ turn! a) my b) your c) our 13) The bird builds _______ nest a) its b) your c) our 14) The boy in the orange shirt said, "______ bike is bigger than yours." a) My b) Her c) Our

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