1) tissues do a) alot of diffrent work b) or specific work 2) are animal cells like plant cells a) yes b) no 3) use of chloroplasts  a) transporting food b) making food 4) what is a vacuole a) a large storage sack b) used to transport food 5) use of cuticle a) waterproof layer b) makes food 6) lesson 2 is about a) vascular b) non vascular 7) what are nonvascular plants a) moss b) flower 8) what does the rhizoids do a) absorb water and nutrients b) make food 9) where does moss grow a) between rock b) underwater c) in houses 10) moss has stems a) false b) true 11) moss has leaves a) false b) true 12) moss is strong or weak a) strong b) weak 13) does moss have tubes a) no b) yes 14) how does some nonvascular plants reproduce a) cell by cell b) they dont



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