1) Computer is a /an a) electronic machine b) electric machine c) elective machine 2) The set of instructions given to a computer is called a) computer program b) Television program c) music program 3) The full form of LOGO is a) Long Orange Game Object b) Language of Graphic Oriented c) List of Game Online 4) Parts of MSW LOGO screen are a) 1 b) 4 c) 2 5) The triangle in the LOGO drawing area is called a) Twinkle b) Thumbelina c) Turtle 6) We type MSW LOGO commands in a) Command Input Box b) Commander Window c) Drawing Area 7) The top most bar of MSW LOGO screen layout is called a) Menu bar b) Home of Turtle c) Title bar 8) This bar consists of a list of MSW LOGO menus. a) Scroll bar b) Commander Window c) Menu bar 9) The box present in the bottom of Commander Window is called a) Recall List box b) Command Input box c) Command buttons 10) This button finds the error in the program. a) Execute button b) Halt button c) Trace button 11) This button helps you execute the typed command. a) Execute button b) Pause button c) Status button 12) This button permanently stops the execution of the program. a) Halt button b) Step button c) Reset button 13) This button temporarily stops the execution of the program. a) Status button b) Pause button c) Edall button 14) This button helps to clear the drawing made by the Turtle. a) Reset button b) Execute button c) Trace button 15) The command used to move the turtle forward is a) FD b) BK c) RT 16) The command used to turn the turtle right is a) FD b) BK c) RT 17) The command used to turn the turtle left is a) RT b) LT c) BK 18) The command used to move the turtle in the backward direction is a) FD b) BK c) LT 19) We can close MSW LOGO by clicking on the this button. a) Maximize b) Minimize c) Close 20) The MSW LOGO command used to exit from the program is a) Bye b) Exit c) Close

Introduction to MSW LOGO-Quiz


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