People who wanted to “Purify”, or Simplify, the Church of England. - Puritan, a traveler who is on a journey to a holy place. - Pilgrims, The act of treating others cruel because of their race, religion, politics, or some other difference. - Persecution, To begin or create - Founded, to bring into being (Founded) - Established, When people allow other people to think or practice other religions and beliefs - Religious Tolerance, A person who belongs to a Christian group called the Society of Friends. - Quaker, a place in a country offering protection or “REFUGE” - Safe Haven, A person who supported abolition (The ending of slavery) before the Civil War. - Anti-Slavery, A person who owes money (Debt) to another person. - Debtor, a person who has to work without pay in the service of another person for a specific length of time. - Indentured Servant, A person who is serving a prison sentence. - Convict, A system where citizens vote to elect people to represent their interest and concerns - Representative Government, a form of government in which most or all members of a community come together to make decisions - Town Meeting, The law-making group of a state or country - Legislature, a commitment where a group of people write down what they want to achieve as well as how to achieve it. - Social Contract, the power to persuade a political leader to make decisions. - Political Influence, a person who lives in a particular place. - Citizen,

Vocabulary 13 Colonies


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