Set - A collection of items., Element - A member of a set., { } - means 'a set of', Finite set - You can count all elements in this set., Infinite set - You can not count all elements in this set., {Whole numbers from 1 to 10} - An example of a Finite set, {Even numbers} - An example of an Infinite set, Universal set - A set containing all the elements., {2, 3, 4, 5, 6} - A set with 5 elements, Equal sets - Sets with same number and type of elements., Equivalent sets - Sets with same number of elements but different elements., Empty or Null set - A set with no element or member., Humans with 6 legs - An example of an empty set. , Subset - A set which is part of another set., C={1, 2, 3} D={2, 3, 1} C=D - An example of equal sets., A={1, 2, 3} B={m, n, o} - An example of an equivalent set.,


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