1) I have a book. This is ... book. a) my b) your 2) You have a doll. This is ... doll. a) my b) your 3) You have a pen. This is ... pen. a) my b) your 4) I have a teddy. This is ... teddy. a) my b) your 5) I have a rubber. This is ... rubber. a) my b) your 6) You have a ball. This is ... ball. a) my b) your 7) You have a bag. This is ... bag. a) my b) your 8) I have a puzzle. This is ... puzzle. a) my b) your 9) You have a ruler. This is ... ruler. a) my b) your 10) You have a car. This is ... car. a) my b) your 11) You have an apple. This is ... apple. a) my b) your 12) I have a bird. This is ... bird. a) my b) your 13) I have a folder. This is ... folder. a) my b) your 14) You have a cat. This is ... cat. a) my b) your 15) I have a pencil. This is ... pencil. a) my b) your 16) You have a dog. This is ... dog. a) my b) your

UNIT 2: My - Your


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