1) The company has reduced staff ___ they can save money. a) so as b) so that c) to d) in order to 2) ___ the flight was long, she felt great when she arrived. a) even though b) in spite of c) even d) instead of 3) He didn't tell her ___ hurt her feelings. a) for b) although c) even though d) so as not to 4) She bought the bag __ its ridiculously high price. a) although b) in spite of c) because d) instead of 5) The company has a big market share, ___ they do very little advertising. a) even though b) in order to c) for d) so as 6) They had to make a lot of workers redundant __ the company would survive. a) so as to b) to c) so that d) for to 7) Guy passed the exam ___ that he hadn't studied much. a) although b) despite of the fact c) in spite of d) in spite 8) Angela took a jacket ___ she wouldn't get cold. a) not to b) so as to c) so that d) for 9) ___ having a successful business, Jim made a career switch. a) despite the fact that b) despite c) so as to d) in spite 10) ___ the service was poor, the meal was delicious. a) in spite of b) despite c) so that d) even though

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