1) Machines are a) Natural b) Man Made 2) Computer is a a) Man Made thing b) Natural Thing 3) Which Machine woks on electricity a) Bicycle b) car c) Refrigerator 4) Which machine works on Fuel a) Washing Machine b) Aeroplane c) Sewing Machine 5) Which machine works on human power a) Rickshaw b) car c) mixer 6) A computer does a) saves time b) works fast c) never makes mistakes d) never get tired e) all of the above 7) A Trian is a machine a) True b) False 8) A Computer makes mistakes a) False b) True 9) Machines do not save our time a) True b) False 10) A washing Machine runs on electricty a) True b) False 11) Machines make our work a) tough b) easy c) none of the above 12) A .......... runs on fuel power a) Car b) Aeroplane c) train d) bus e) all of the above 13) A computer very a) slow b) low c) fast 14) A computer runs on .... a) fuel b) electricty c) human power 15) A computer can store a) Words b) numbers c) pictures d) all of the above



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