1) In China, people tend to eat it during their birthday. It has a special meaning: Long life. a) 炒面 chǎo miàn b) 面条 Miàn tiáo c) 包子 bāo zi d) 饺子 jiǎo zi e) 炒饭 chǎo fàn 2) During Chinese New Year, nearly every Chinese family will eat that food. It shapes like Chinese traditional money. a) 包子 bāo zi b) 炒饭 chǎo fàn c) 饺子 jiǎo zi d) 披萨 Pīsà 3) This food is easy to make, and rice is the main of its ingredient. To cook it, you will also need chopped veggies (usually carrot and peas), sliced ham and fried eggs. a) 汉堡包 Hàn bǎo bāo b) 炒面 chǎo miàn c) 面条 Miàn tiáo d) 炒饭 chǎo fàn 4) This food is a famous steamed dish. The food can be filled with different fillings, for example, pork/chicken/beef mince, onion, cabbage, etc. a) 包子 bāo zi b) 披萨 Pīsà c) 汉堡包 Hàn bǎo bāo d) 饺子 jiǎo zi 5) Character’s story: Bush grows out under a shelter, it’s “messy”. Which character is this? a) 小 b) 想 c) 麻 d) 也 6) Character’s story:Burn fire on the head, it’s “to trouble”, it’s “annoying”。Which character is this? a) 哭 b) 酷 c) 也 d) 烦 7) Character’s story:Mum is holding her child, how good is that. Which character is this? a) 想 b) 吃 c) 好 d) 女 8) Character’s story:A person looks at a tree, thinking of their family far away on his/her mind. Which character is this? a) 也 b) 想 c) 麻 d) 吃 9) Which character is shown from the picture? a) 喝 b) 叫 c) 吃 10) In pizza hut, what food may you find? a) 包子 bāo zi b) 汉堡包 Hàn bǎo bāo c) 饺子 jiǎo zi d) 披萨 Pīsà

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