Third generation computers: Main component - Integrated Circuits (ICs), Popularly known as chips., New input & output devices - scanners, magnetic ink character readers, etc., Memory capacity was greatly enlarged, Operating system allowed many programs to run simultaneously, General - purpose computers - had both scientific and commercial use., Keyboard for input & monitor to display output., Example - IBM 360 and IBM 370 , Fourth generation computers: Main component - Microprocessors (VLSIC), Microprocessors - reduced size & increased efficiency., VLSICs perform the bulk of processing., VLSICs also control all parts of the system., Greater computing power & storage capacity., They used improved storage devices., They can be linked together/networking is possible., Example - IBM PC, Apple Macintosh, laptops, tablets etc., Fifth generation computers: They are referred to as supercomputers., Enormous storage capacities., Extremely high speeds., It involves artificial intelligence., Ability to carry out sophisticated operations - weather forecasting, PARAM 8000 - first supercomputer of India, Might overcome the lack of thinking power., Example - CRAY CS 3000 and PARAM 8000,

Generations of computer - Third, fourth and fifth


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