1) The cost of this investment was ---! We could barely afford it. a) gorgeous b) gigantic c) boling 2) The comedian was ---! I laughed so hard I was almost crying. a) starving b) fascinating c) hilarious 3) From our hotel, there were --- views of the city. a) tiny b) freezing c) gorgeous 4) We have just received some --- news. a) starving b) terrible c) packed 5) The kitchen was --- by the time she finished cleaning it. a) furious b) filthy c) spotless 6) The teacher said I was a --- student. a) packed b) boiling c) wonderful 7) My father was --- when I broke his new laptop. a) awful b) furious c) starving 8) The first time I had to speak at a big conference, I was ---. a) exhausted b) terrified c) terrible 9) This hearing aid is so --- you can barely see it. a) hilarious b) filthy c) tiny 10) The train was so --- that I couldn't find a seat. a) packed b) fascinating c) excellent 11) My kids quickly went to bed because they were --- from running around all day. a) exhausted b) furious c) terrifying 12) I'm not really into physics, but I find biology ---. a) gigantic b) fascinating c) starving 13) Isn't lunch ready yet? I'm ---. a) starving b) filthy c) packed 14) He worked hours in the --- sun. a) packed b) giant c) boiling

New Horizons - B1+ - Vocabulary - Lesson 12 - Practice 1


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