1) A large town square that was the centre of business in Roman towns a) Forum b) Domus c) Insulae d) Toga 2) Where gladiator games were held a) Oratory b) Amphitheatre c) Mosaic d) Stola  3) The wealthy noble families who ruled Rome a) Plebeians b) Slaves c) Patricians d) Citizens 4) A long white robe draped over the shoulder and down to the feet a) Stola b) Insulae c) Toga d) Manumission 5) The large house of a Patrician a) Domus b) Dole c) Polytheists d) Insulae  6) The poor, who made up the vast majority of the Roman population a) Pebbles b) Plebeians c) Plenner d) Patricians  7) Roman foot soldiers a) Legionaries b) Monotheists c) Manumission  8) How many soldiers were in a cohort  a) 480 b) 380 c) 580 d) 80 9) How many years did a solider serve for a) 25 b) 15 c) 35 d) 45 10) How many kilometres did Roman soldiers walk everyday? a) 40km b) 30km c) 12km d) 8km 

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