1) A good friend is someone who is kind, considerate and totally (dependable). a) reliable b) giddy c) chatty d) weird 2) Our new boss isn't too bad at all. In fact, she's quite (likeable). a) pensive b) immature c) amiable d) chatty 3) You are (aware) of the fact that he's married, aren't you? a) hopeless b) conscious c) famished d) stingy 4) I wish you'd grow up! You're so (childish)! a) weird b) absurd c) reliable d) immature 5) I didn't mean to break it - it wasn't (deliberate). a) intentional b) pensive c) reliable d) disgraceful 6) That's the last time I go to a party with Simon! His behaviour last night was absolutely (disgusting). a) absurd b) chatty c) giddy d) disgraceful 7) I always get very (dizzy) when I stand on top of high buildings. a) chatty b) giddy c) stingy d) famished 8) What do you mean, you can't afford to buy me a drink? Don't be so (mean)! You've got a lot more money that I have! a) reliable b) conscious c) stingy d) pensive 9) I could eat a horse! I'm (really hungry)! a) weird b) immature c) famished d) conscious 10) Take those trousers off - you look (ridiculous) in them! a) absurd b) giddy c) hopeless d) disgraceful 11) Our new neighbours are very (talkative), aren't they? a) giddy b) weird c) chatty d) immature 12) You're looking rather (thoughtful) this morning, Jenny. What's up? a) pensive b) famished c) weird d) reliable 13) 6-1 we lost! 6-1! You played like a team of grannies! You were (pathetic)! a) conscious b) famished c) immature d) hopeless 14) Charles has some really (peculiar) ideas sometimes, doesn't he? a) disgraceful b) weird c) stingy d) pensive

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