Hacer una parada - To make a pit stop at+ place/ to + do something... /To pause momentarily/To make a brief stop, Posponer, Pedir un vale, Pedir una prórroga - To ask for a rain check for/To ask for a postponement, Sacarla del estadio(Colombia), Exceder las expectativas - To knock it out the park with+ something/ To impress with exceptional performance /To surpass expectations, Permanecer al margen - To stay on the sidelines of/during a situation to /To maintain neutrality/To stand aside, Coordinar algo, dirigir - To quarterback an event/To orchestrate/ To oversee, Pensar en todo, Asegurarse de que todo esté en orden - To cover the bases for (important event)/ To leave no stone unturned (to)/To make sure to cover...., Poner toda presión, Hostigar - To put a full-court press on (significant situation) /To exert immense pressure, Ponerle la cara a; Dar un paso al frente, Defender a - To step up to the plate in + difficult situation/ for+ a person /To shoulder the burden/ To take charge, No lograr algo con alguien, Tomar el control de su destino - To strike out with+person /(on one's own to)/ To begin a new chapter in life, Poner a algn en un aprieto, Desconcertar a alguien - To throw sb a curveball in+conversations/by+ doing something .../To catch someone off guard/To disrupt someone's plans,



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