1) J'aide l'environnement a) by using both sides of a piece of paper b) I help the environment c) by eating less meat d) by turning off electronic appliances 2) Je protège la planète a) by using both sides of a piece of paper b) I save the animals c) I preserve nature d) I protect the planet 3) Je préserve la nature a) I preserve nature b) by putting on a jumper when I'm cold c) by avoiding toxic products d) I protect the planet 4) Je sauve les animaux a) by turning off the light when I leave a room b) I help the environment c) I protect the planet d) I save the animals 5) en éteignant la lumière quand je quitte une pièce a) by using both sides of a piece of paper b) by doing the groceries with a basket c) by turning off the light when I leave a room d) by going to school on foot 6) en éteignant les appareils électriques a) by putting on a jumper when I'm cold b) by turning off electronic appliances c) by avoiding plastic bags d) by doing the groceries with a basket 7) en utilisant un sac réutilisable a) by putting on a jumper when I'm cold b) by going to school on foot c) by turning off electronic appliances d) by using a reusable bag 8) en utilisant les deux faces d'une feuille a) I preserve nature b) by using both sides of a piece of paper c) by taking public transport d) by putting on a jumper when I'm cold 9) en faisant mes courses avec un panier a) by putting on a jumper when I'm cold b) by turning off electronic appliances c) by taking public transport d) by doing the groceries with a basket 10) en faisant du compost a) by using both sides of a piece of paper b) by composting c) I protect the planet d) I help the environment 11) en mettant un pull quand j'ai froid a) by using both sides of a piece of paper b) by taking public transport c) by doing the groceries with a basket d) by putting on a jumper when I'm cold 12) en évitant les sacs plastiques a) by using both sides of a piece of paper b) by avoiding plastic bags c) I save the animals d) by composting 13) en évitant les produits toxiques a) I help the environment b) by putting on a jumper when I'm cold c) by avoiding toxic products d) by turning off the light when I leave a room 14) en allant à l'école à pied a) by going to school on foot b) by avoiding toxic products c) by composting d) I save the animals 15) en prenant les transports en commun a) by taking public transport b) I save the animals c) by using both sides of a piece of paper d) by going to school on foot 16) en mangeant moins de viande a) by avoiding toxic products b) by avoiding plastic bags c) by eating less meat d) by putting on a jumper when I'm cold

Quiz Y10 T4 Week 4 (Les petits gestes écolo - GERUND)


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