1) I don’t like that new building much. - _____. It looks like a spaceship a) Neither do I. b) Neither like I. 2) I passed the exam! - _____. I got 92%. a) So did I. b) So do I. 3) I can’t swim, I’m afraid. - _____. Perhaps we should have lessons. a) Neither do I. b) Neither can I. 4) I'm not very hungry. - _____. I’ll just have a sandwich. a) Neither am I. b) Neither do I. 5) I’ve finished university. - _____. I’m looking for a job now! a) So did I. b) So have I. 6) I didn't like the film. - _____. It was too slow. a) Neither did I. b) Neither I did. 7) I was born in 1989. - Really? _____.  a) So am I. b) So was I. 8) I don’t have any brothers or sisters. - _____. But I have a lot of cousins. a) Neither have I. b) Neither do I. 9) I’m going to stay at home this evening. - _____. I’m quite tired. a) So do I. b) So am I. 10) I have to go to work on Saturday. - _____. I hate working at the weekend. a) So have I. b) So do I. 11) I got married in 2005. - _____. But I got divorced a year later! a) So was I. b) So did I. 12) I was working in London last year. - _____. What a coincidence! a) So I was. b) So was I. 13) I haven’t been to South America. - _____, but I’d love to go. a) Neither have I. b) Neither do I. 14) I won’t go to that restaurant again. - _____. The food was awful. a) Neither do I. b) Neither will I. 15) I’ll do my homework on the bus. - _____. It’s very easy. a) So am I. b) So will I.


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