True: Migration in a broader sense, spatial mobility of the population; in a narrower sense, a permanent change of the place of permanent residence of an individual or group of the population;, People leave their country due to ethnic, religious, racial or political persecution, and wars and conflicts are the most common reasons for migration, The legislation of EU countries determines the economic independence of immigrants as a necessary condition for their residence and acquisition of citizenship., A migrant is a person who participates in the process of spatial mobility of the population, The environment has always driven migrations as people flee natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes and earthquakes., When an individual decides to migrate from the country of origin for reasons related to poverty, this is often referred to as humanitarian or economic asylum, False: Emigrants come as immigrants to a foreign country., External migration of the population implies the relocation of persons within the Republic of Croatia., Internal migration of the population implies the relocation of persons from one state to another., Migrants do not have their own traditions, language, religion and behaviors, which can be very different from those in the host society, emigration is the arrival of people,


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